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How 'Horizon Zero Dawn' Fixes Most Things You Hate About Open World Games

The review embargo for Horizon Zero Dawn has lifted, and I will invite you to read my own full take on the game, along with many, many others who are praising it as pretty excellent. I gave it a 9/10, though it’s getting scores even higher than that from a few major outlets, and it current sits at an enviable 88 Metascore.
It’s a big win for Sony, who already had a big win in 2017 with Nioh, and shows that Nintendo isn’t the only company that can produce a large stable of must-have exclusives these days. It’s a must-play for PS4 players, even those that may have gotten sick of open world games.
In fact, this is what I view as Horizon Zero Dawn’s greatest strength. The ability to take many things you probably hate about open world games and turn the concepts on their heads. When you write a review, it has to be structured a certain way, but I wanted to take the opportunity today now that the embargo has lifted to talk about this issue specifically. Here’s what I mean:

Photo: Guerrilla Games

Those Dreaded “Ubisoft Map Towers"
I didn’t even get to mention this in my review, but one thing the game does is to make the unlocking of the map, ie. climbing up Tallnecks, one of the most interesting “missions” of the game. There are only five or six of them, not dozens like in an Assassin’s Creed game, and it’s always more complicated than simply finding the thing and scaling it.
For example, in one situation, a Tallneck was being stalked be an entire contingent of enemy warriors trying to bring it down and mold it to their purposes. I had to sneak around their camp killing all of them before being able to scale a part of their base high enough to jump on top of it and override it.
One of the last ones, the Tallneck was in a valley surrounded by some really scary machines. If I alerted one, the entire lot of them would descend on me and tear me apart. I snuck around and overrode a Ravager, which sent him into a frenzy, doing battle with many of the other machines. This allowed me to sneak past all of them and climb a rock that let me wait for the Tallneck to circle around so I could leap onto it.
The point being is that Guerrilla took one of the most mundane, overdone open world activities, tower-map unlocking, and turned it into something legitimately fun and interesting in most missions.

Photo: Guerrilla Games

Side Missions With Substance
I’ll use Far Cry as an example for this because I think there’s no worse offender of a game filling up a map with “stuff to do” than that series. You can play through the entire game, get every skill perk and max out your XP, and there will still be dozens of “side quests” for you to complete, all without a shred of story to them, many of them copy and pasted from one another (free these hostages, escort this truck).
Horizon Zero Dawn pretty much ditches this idea entirely. It does not have a ton of side quests, but the ones it does have are practically all fully voiced with their own cutscenes and individual stories. In one mission where you have to go somewhere and effectively “clear three zones” to let individuals worship at holy sites, it’s handled far differently than it would be in a normal open world game. One site is on top of a plateau infested with Glinthawks. Another is in a swamp with robo-crocodiles that makes for an entirely different sort of fight. And the third just has you yelling at some tribal elders to let the poor people worship, without resorting to combat at all. Though the individual stories are not crazy compelling in many of these missions, the gameplay always takes unexpected turns. You’re rarely doing the same thing twice, even if some of the mechanics are the similar (inspect this item and follow this trail). Even the quests that could be story-free, like clearing bandit camps, has some measure of plot attached to it (you meet one of the game’s most interesting characters killing bandits) and it’s still engaging content.

Photo: Guerrilla Games
Photo: Guerrilla Games

The Story is Actually Great
I’m not saying that open world games never have good stories, but I will say that for the most part, it’s usually a rarity. With so many missions so spread out, it’s a lot harder to tell an effective story in an open world game than it is in a more linear title.
Horizon struggles with this sometimes, as I noted in my review that the game lags in the middle when you’re mostly doing disconnected side quests. But at the beginning and especially the end, this is actually a really fantastic story for two reasons.
The first is Aloy, a very likable lead, both well-written and well-voiced, and you should enjoy spending time with her. Her journey from outcast to savior is better than that arc in almost every other game I’ve played, and that’s aided in part by the second reason the story is so good, the lore and the eventual reveals found at the end of the game. While I won’t go into the specifics of what happens at the end (though I will at a later date once the game is out), I will say that the entire resolution of Aloy’s identity and the story behind the end of the world and the rise of the machines is one of the best sci-fi tales I’ve heard not just in the genre, but in gaming as a whole. This really is an interesting world with a lot of thought put into the backstory, and it connects with Aloy’s presence as a lead to create for a really compelling tale by the end.

Photo: Guerrilla Games
Photo: Guerrilla Games

Combat is Far From Repetitive
If you’re like me, chances are in many open world games, you find a weapon or tactic you like, and stick with it in almost any situation you come across. That one sword in Assassin’s Creed that lets you butcher endless amount of guards. That one gun in Far Cry that you got after you skinned 10 endangered rhinos.
But that’s not how things work in Horizon Zero Dawn. While I did say in my review that Aloy vs. human combat is a bit dull, requiring only your spear and a few fire arrows, Aloy vs. machine combat is on another level entirely.
This is one of the only games I’ve ever seen where you will definitely have to use almost every tool at your disposal to take down enemies. Yes, you can sneak around and stealth kill weaker ones, but the further go you, and start running into robotic monsters fifty times your size, you have change up tactics. Even as a player who likes to stick with what works, meaning one or two weapons usually, Horizon demands you get yourself out of that mindset. In any given combat encounter, it’s not unusual for you to switch back and forth between four different weapons depending on the target, plus your default spear. Each encounter, because of the enemy, the landscape and potential for invasion by other enemies, has be handled differently. Things like enemy weak points and elemental vulnerabilities are not just suggestions, they’re requirements. As such, especially late in the game, it can make practically every other enemy encounter feel like an epic boss battle, which is something I haven’t really seen since maybe Shadow of Mordor, though here that concept plays out in a different way.
Horizon isn’t perfect, and does get a few open world things wrong. Making the fast travel system a consumable for half the game is a big mistake, and I hate, hate, hate the way the game handles health regeneration. But overall, this is a game that defies many of the most common open world tropes out there, so much so, that even if you’ve been bored of the genre for a while, you will probably find something to like here between the story, the combat, the exploration, or all three. Check it out when it launches in a week.


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