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Ten Things I Wish I Knew When I Started 'Deus Ex: Mankind Divided'

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is finally out today, an early embargo revealing pretty solid reviews, including my own 8/10 good-not-great score. I love the series, but I just wanted the sequel to evolve a little more than it did. With that said, what it does carry over from Human Revolution is welcome, and I enjoyed my time with the game overall.
As always, when I get to play a game this early, I try to impart wisdom I’ve learned for those who are just starting out. This is a game where you have to make a lot of fundamental choices about both the story and which upgrade path you pick, so it doesn’t hurt to get some early guidance. There’s a lot to say, but I’ve narrowed it down to a handful of points for your consumption.
Here are the ten things I wish I knew when I started Deus Ex: Mankind Divided:
1. There Are At Least Two Ways To Do Almost Anything
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, like its predecessor, is a game about choice. Not just story choices (we’ll get to that later), but in terms of how you approach almost any situation through gameplay. There are basic, sweeping choices about whether you go quiet or loud in combat, but I’m talking about specific objectives. For example, if you see a passageway blocked by a heavy crate, keep looking, as there might be an entrance using the wall-smash skill somewhere nearby. A floor may be covered in gas, and you’re caught without your robo-lung upgrade, but with careful use of the boost jump, you may be able to skip over it. This won’t always be the case, but these levels and areas are well-designed enough to give you multiple paths using multiple skills to reach certain points or clear rooms of enemies. Just be observant, and you’ll figure it out.
Photo: Eidos
Photo: Eidos
2. Save At Least Two Praxis Points At All Times
This is what I call the game’s ultimate “back-up plan” when all else seems futile. When you simply can’t find that other path forward, I always recommend keeping two Praxis points to spare, so if you have to buy one or two points skills on the fly, you can. If you can’t see any way forward through that poison gas, and don’t want to spend 20 minutes looking for an alternate, splurge and buy the lungs upgrade. If you want to sneak through a room but are tired of being spotted by guards no matter which way you try, maybe it’s time to shell out for that stealth camouflage. Having a few points to spare at all times, and spending your excess, really comes in handy. At thevery beginning, spend what you have, and by the very end, you will be rich with Praxis, but for a lengthy stretch in the middle, it’s smart to have extra points tucked away for emergencies.
3. Hacking Will Make Your Life Easier No Matter Which Style You Play
I know that hacking is a pretty boring ability, and the little minigame associated with it has not gotten any more interesting since Human Revolution, but man, is it a useful skill to have all the same. Ranking up to at least level 4 hacking, maxing stealth hacking and then getting the sentry/robot options by the end of the game will make pretty much everything easier. You won’t have to sneak around to find alternate vents when you can just hack through the doors. You can open safes and storage lockers for boatloads of supplies. In stealth playthroughs, you can turn off all detection, in open combat playthroughs, you can tell turrets and robots to chew up their masters. There is very little hacking can’t do, and it can even have a role in the final boss fight of the game. Spend points in hacking level and stealth especially. I went without the fortification upgrades altogether, and was perfectly fine.
Photo: Eidos
Photo: Eidos
4. Quicksaving And Re-loading Are Your Friend
Most Deus Ex players will probably understand this point by now, but many traditional shooter/sandbox players will come into this game not get how important quicksaving is to the experience. This is a game where you can literally save at any point, which in the console space especially, is increasingly rare. Yes, there are auto-save checkpoints, but given how elaborate some of these combat encounters are, it doesn’t hurt to save each time you kill or knock out a guard, unless you’re in the middle of open combat or a split-second from detection. It sort of slows the pace down, but it’s far better than everything going to hell and you losing a lot more progress. Quicksaving can also be helpful for hacking (since detection is luck-based) and for choosing “correct” dialogue options as well. Use it often.
5. If You Like Happy Endings, Invest In The Dialogue Augmentation
Speaking of dialogue, if you’re the type of player who wants things to work out relatively peacefully, or at least avoid a total mess, I highly advise sinking two points into the behavioral tracking dialogue skill early on. There aren’t a ton of these encounters throughout the game, so when you run into them, you might as well “win” them, right? By detecting what is the “right” approach to take to dealing with certain key people, you can talk yourself out of firefights, get equipment for free or alter the course of entire subplots, usually for the better. It’s not a useful skill in combat, obviously, but if you care at all about the story, you’ll want it. Plus, 1,000 XP for each “perfect” conversation you have is nothing to sneeze at either.
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Photo: Eidos
6. Binary Story Choices Aren’t Always Actually Binary
Deus Ex is a game that constantly makes you choose between two seemingly tough options. Kill this key person, or don’t. Save this group of innocents, or some allies. In most games, players are frustrated by these sort of “no-win” encounters, where all options lead to tragedy, but at least in my playthrough, that was not the case. I was threatened with retribution for failing to hold up my end of a deal I made, and I was surprised to find that it never actually came back to bite me. Later, I was told to choose between saving one group or another, presuming I wouldn’t be able to do both, but sure enough, I did in fact have time to save everyone, which is something I frankly was not expecting. I can’t guarantee this will always happen, but much of the time, you can have your cake and eat it too, which is sort of refreshing for a game like this.
7. Don’t Skip Side Quests, Because There Aren’t Many And You Can’t Do Them Later
Throughout Deus Ex, you will constantly have a main quest running, but often you’ll be tasked with meandering side quests that flesh out different aspects of the story. It may go without saying, but do them. Do them first, in fact, as once you hit certain story milestones, many of the quests will be killed off based on the way Prague changes throughout the story. These quests are enormous sources of XP and resources, in addition to what they add to the story. This is not a game where you can beat the main storyline and return later to do all the side quests at your leisure, so if you have a list, clear it before moving on. There is one exception in the form of a quest that has you tracking down info about missing months of Jensen’s life with your old boss David Sarif, and that will stay on your list throughout the game as you progress through it, but all others? Get them done.
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Photo: Eidos
8. Always Crack Level Five Safes
I already talked about the virtues of hacking earlier, but I do not recommend wasting a point for level five clearance. Why? Because those hacking puzzles are a nightmare even with your skills maxed, and the game gives you a reason not to do it anyway. There’s a specific hacking tool you can find in the wild or build with spare parts, and it will auto-unlock anything, including level five safes. You will only encounter a handful of these safes in the game, so make sure you crack them with this tool whenever you can. Given how spread out they are, you should have enough charges on your tool if you’re exploring thoroughly. In these safes are anything from rare weapon mods to loads of credits to Praxis kits, and nearly all of them are worth opening. If you have to skip one, definitely come back for it later.
9. You Didn’t Mess Up, The Game Just Ends On A Million Cliffhangers
I’m not going to go into any specific spoilers here, as I will save detailed discussion of this game’s ending for another day, but if you’re like me, you may wonder why certain plotlines just end abruptly or don’t go anywhere. You may think you’ve made a wrong turn somewhere during your playthrough, but now I’ve come to learn that this is just how the game ends. I had a relatively rosy conclusion, but there were still about a half dozen loose threads hanging by the time credits rolled (and during a mid-credits scene as well), and judging by other reviews, I’m not alone. Whether the plan is to flesh some of these out in DLC or a future sequel, I’m not sure, but just know that it’s normal to feel like Mankind Divided has only told maybe two-thirds of a story by the end, which in my opinion, is one of its flaws.
10. Consider A Second Run With A Polar Opposite Playstyle
I am not usually a person who plays games like this through twice, but this is a different story. Deus Ex games are entirely different when instead of going say, no-kill/steath, you try a guns blazing strategy the second time around. It’s just not even the same game. You can do this in New Game+ if you want to cheat by keeping a lot of your existing upgrades, but I found it’s more fun to do it from scratch. There are a lot of augments you probably won’t get to if you choose one path over another, and I think Mankind Divided may be worth two go-rounds if you enjoy your first time through. It’s bound to be a pretty different experience.
That’s all I’ve got for now, but may add others if I think of them. And as you play, feel free to suggest any yourself in the comments.


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