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The New Rogue One Trailer Will Leave You Death Starry-Eyed

THE LATEST TRAILER for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is here—and those of you who were hoping for a little more backstory finally get your wish. In the combat-packed, two-and-a-half-minute clip, we learn that Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) has been drafted into the Rebel cause partly because her long-missing father, Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen), was needed to help build the Death Star—a turn-of-events that will no doubt force Jyn to spend thousands of credits on therapy. The rest of the teaser delivers plenty of action, with X-wings tearing across the sky, AT-ATs stomping on the beach, and a briefly glimpsed Darth Vader, who, as usual, appears to be marching while miffed. We’ll have to wait until December 16 to fully go Rogue, but for now, we’ve got a good feeling about this.
Pause at: 1:43, when Jyn and pals appear to be disguising themselves as Imperial baddies in order to infiltrate the Death Star—a ploy that will feel oddly familiar to the Force faithful.



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